I've already written my blog post for Christmas in 2020. But I forgot to mention a few things. For example.
If you live alone, or have a tolerant partner, you might consider spending part of your day at the Hop. Not the IHop, home of pancakes and carb lovers everywhere. The old fashioned Hop, where you take your shoes off and boogie.
The benefits are many. No critics to weigh in on your dance moves so no need to restrain yourself. Just put on your favourite Christmas dance music. But nothing slow or thoughtful. The last thing you need at the very end of 2020 is too much introspection. Don't live in your head. (Full disclosure: My whole life is in my head. But I'm trying.)
When my play list is ready, I dance. I prefer a combination of moves inspired by the sixties. The Pony, the Swim, the Twist, the Monkey, and a few Zumba elements that occasionally threaten the stability of my Christmas tree. It doesn't matter, really. All that counts is the celebratory feeling that accompanies any crazy movements of your choosing. And if you can't do Christmas all day long, you can still Charlie Brown it with hits from your past. Or your children's past. One of my favourites is an old CD I unearthed called Summer of 2009!!
This is how you hold your weight gain at what I call the 'Manageable Covid 10' while keeping your spirits up. In fact, the very best time to dance is when you're feeling low, and you need your eye to ignore the100 proof bottle of hooch gifted by a distant relative of your husband's. You resist by walking over to the mirror, or waking your slumbering partner, and with a fierce look of determination, say, 'Not me. Not this time, Covid 19. I will not surrender to the lure of lying down and watching another Hallmark Christmas movie. I will dance!'
Are there downsides to the Hop? Full disclosure, yes. A few of them. But you can prevent the one I call Blue Christmas (referring to the air, not your spirits) by moving your furniture just a bit out of your way, thus preventing toe stubbing and actual falls. Also, close the curtains at night time. Otherwise you'll experience a drive by where cars are parking outside your house even though you live on a busy street. The upside is that you've been someone's entertainment, and the story they get to tell over Christmas dinner. 'I saw the craziest thing!' etc.
All in all, I encourage you to join me in celebrating the fact that you're alive. If you're using a walker or crutches, you can still take part with a few spins and a lot of hip wiggling. However you do it, I promise you this. It will help you push away all thought of a nasty virus currently curtailing your seasonal celebration. And on a Christmas note, it will bring a lot of Joy to your World.