Monday, September 30, 2024


 In the middle of September, I attended a Brandon University reunion. My third one, and not even mine, really. The class of 74 belonged to my husband. I'm not sure what it was about my own class of '76, but apparently, we weren't much fun and had no interest in reuniting. 

This time it was just me, along with a few of Ace's best pals. Walking through the campus where we met and fell in love felt poignant, yet kind of wonderful. The older you get, the more you appreciate all the things that helped make you, you. 

The last time the class met was ten years ago. Back then, we tried heading up to our old dorm rooms in McMaster Hall, but were blocked from entering the elevator by some belligerent students.

 'You can't come up here! You don't belong! Don't make us call security! Honestly, they would have been my least favourite people if I'd gone to school with them. Aren't you supposed to break a few rules when you're young? 

Fortunately, this time I ran into two young ladies who happily escorted me up to the 7th floor. I didn't get to see my old room, but there was the place for doing laundry, and the communal tub where I'd run a bath and play 'Strangers in the Night' on my recorder for an hour. (Seriously. But it was an alto recorder with a less screechy sound. Still...what was I thinking?) 

There was the 8th floor walkway where we dropped buckets of water onto the people below us during massive, multi-floor water fights. My friends and I, as grown ups and taxpayers, are not happy with some of the shenanigans we got up to back then. But the teenager hovering somewhere in the back of my brain still finds them delightful.

Many of us stayed at the Victoria Inn, where the university had reserved a block of rooms. The staff were lovely, but my room had a connecting door with a couple from the class of '64. They were both a bit deaf and left their TV on all night playing CNN loudly. I banged on their door at 3AM, but they didn't hear a thing. I, on the other hand, heard every word of their conversations. Fortunately, it mostly involved discussions around blood pressure and medication.

And then I tried to have a shower. Was the hotel secretly testing its guest's IQs? (I took a picture of the taps so you can see what I mean. )

Turning it on was the hardest part. I only wanted to use the rain shower on the ceiling, (missing from the picture) but water shot out from all the knobs, depending on how I turned the two centre ones. A tiny move to the right and the water was scalding. I kept hopping in and out of the cubicle like a demented rabbit. Who decided this was a step up from the old system, I'm not sure. As with most things, simplicity is best. It certainly looked classy, though. It's like they were trying to say, 'We're the Ritz, but not really.'

If we ever have another reunion and I stay there again, I'll be sure to request a 'single knob' shower. I'm sure they'll know what I mean. If not, I'll take a photo and write another blog on the hotel's latest IQ test. For now, this is Brandon Alumni, Judith Pettersen, signing off. 

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